counting screws

Electroless Nickel Plating with PTFE (PEN-TUF®/EN) is an advanced metal treatment, or coating, that offers dry lubrication, high lubricity, and excellent wear and corrosion resistance. The process was initially developed over 20 years ago by Advanced Surface Technologies and can be applied in two ways – co-deposited or infused.

Co-deposited (which is the standard used by UC Components, Inc., infused available by request)

Co-deposited PEN-TUF®/EN involves evenly dispersing PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) particles suspended into an electroless nickel layer when plating a part or assembly.


Infused PEN-TUF®/EN involves spraying PTFE onto a mid-phosphorous electroless nickel plating and then baking it onto the part or assembly. This application gives the surface exceptional mold release properties and corrosion resistance.

PEN-TUF®/EN combines the low friction release properties of PTFE with the resistances and hardness of electroless nickel, which makes it an ideal treatment for clean-critical components and assemblies that cannot use conventional lubricants or release sprays.

Industries such as: Automotive, Aerospace & Space, Defense, Electronics, Medical, And more. Applications such as: Non-galling threaded parts, Stamped washers, Injection molds, And more.

PEN-TUF®/EN coating can be applied to various metals, including aluminum, brass, copper, stainless steel, and many more. The process is similar to electroless nickel plating, meaning that the coating is applied via an autocatalytic chemical reaction making it an incredibly uniform, reliable, and repeatable coating process. It can effectively coat parts that have complex geometries, sharp edges, deep recesses, seams, threads, and more. A part or assembly coated with PEN-TUF®/EN can withstand temperatures up to 500°F, and it is also a more environmentally friendly alternative to cadmium plating. PEN-TUF®/EN meets AMS2454 2012-04 specifications and is also both End-of-Life Vehicle regulations (ELV) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) compliant.

Why choose PEN-TUF®/EN?

  • Extreme self-lubrication
  • Dry lubrication
  • Repels water, oil, and other contaminants
  • Superior wear resistance
  • Excellent corrosion resistance
  • Low coefficient of friction
  • Enhanced non-stick surface
  • Uniformly coats even complex geometries
  • Low reflectivity
  • Typically mimics the finish of the base metal
Property Co-deposited Infused
Composition Nickel: 84-85% (by weight) Phosphorus: 9-11% (by weight) PTFE: 8-9% (by weight) / 23-25% (by volume) PTFE Particles: 0.3-0.4 µ-meter diameter Phosphorus: 7-9% (by weight)
Density 6.5g/cm3  
Typical Coating Thickness 0.0001”-0.0004”  
Hardness 32-35 RC (as plated) 42-46 RC (heat-treated at 300°C / 4 hours) 54-58 RC
Coefficient of Friction 0.07-0.10 wet 0.1-0.2 dry  
Corrosion Resistance   0.0003” (100 hours salt spray)
Abrasion Resistance CS-10 wheel/1000g load Weight loss = 20mg/1000 cycles  
Electrical Resistance 0.06 Ω per square inch 0.00084” thickness  

PEN-TUF®/EN coating is fully vacuum-compatible and is typically used as a replacement for silver plating in applications where two or more metals may not be compatible. For example, if your assembly is made of aluminum, a silver-plated screw would gall upon installation, while a screw coated with PEN-TUF®/EN would not.

How can we help you?

Pure Tech Components is the premier UK distributor for UC Components, Inc. RediVac® line of fasteners, washers, hex nuts, and O-rings. We provide only the best specialised fasteners to a wide range of industries, including medical, food processing, optical, vacuum, semiconductor, and R&D. Partnering with us gives you the confidence and reassurance you need to concentrate on your customer’s needs without worrying or compromising on cost, quality, or customer service. Contact us today for more information or to place an order.

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